Our drama began in high school. Brought together by our mutual, nerdy love of anime plus a dramatic haircut, during our 12 years together we slowly progressed (devolved?) into watching live-action South Korean dramas, or K-dramas. Eventually, our interest in Asian culture led us to take the leap and move abroad for an international teaching job for Hannah, and an enviable new career in house husband-ry for Ben. As it is “a truth universally acknowledged” that all K-dramas must have an episode on South Korea’s vacation island, the latest installment of our G-drama (Greaves drama) unfolds here on beautiful Jeju, in the midst of the East China Sea…

Monday, September 23, 2013

EPISODE 2: LAVA MEETS WATER: Exploring the South

By way of explanation for the titles of each post, before we left, we hosted a contest for some friends and family to name our blog. We got some awesome, cute, and hilarious suggestions, but ultimately decided on our G-Drama Jeju name. Hence, we've decided to use everyone's suggestions as our post titles at some time or another. That means no one gets the free dinner... but hey, you can come take us out to dinner, and that's even better, right?

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A few days after arriving here on Jeju, the other house husband and I (that's right, other house husband) explored one of the coastal roads on the east side of the island. Every one of these roads has so far been one of four things. The one you see below shows how the lava that formed the island makes these awesome black landscapes that enter the sea. In this instance, it made a very cool tidal pool.

These seem to be some kind of soft algae flowers and they are about the size of a full bloom rose.

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